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sportsmata.com > Boxing > Anthony Joshua gave me a fractured nose – Wallin

Anthony Joshua gave me a fractured nose – Wallin

Otto Wallin recently disclosed the extent of the injuries sustained during his challenging battle against Anthony Joshua in Saudi Arabia.

Anthony Joshua gave me a fractured nose – Wallin

Following his defeat, Wallin confirmed that he had fractured his nose early in the fight but was initially unaware due to the adrenaline of the bout.

Anthony Joshua gave me a fractured nose – Wallin

He explained, “I have a fracture on my nose, it’s not completely broken, but it’s fractured. I noticed that I was bleeding, but when you are in the fight you have so much adrenaline and it was early in the fight.

I noticed that it was uncomfortable but I don’t think it made a big difference.”

This revelation sheds light on the physical toll endured by Wallin during the match.